Monday, July 19, 2010


I'm supposed to be paying attention in nutrition right now, but I decided there is way too much bio and chem for me in here man. Getting the Biological Sciences requirement done has been an ordeal for me here at Cal to say the least -__-

Anyway, here is the long awaited blog about my precious Ojiya (all the way back in Chino Hills... sad)

This is the Salmon Skin Salad. Total yums! They have several salad dressings available, but the miso dressing is the best because it is very light and yet very creamy. Even though they call it a Salmon Skin Salad, implying that the salmon skin is the star of the show, I found it to have more of a crouton-like role in this salad (which I found to be a preference).

Seafood Rice Porridge (I cannot for the life of me remember the actual name of this dish), but is not absolutely adorable in its little cast iron pot? Ordering this was an almost accident. You see, Rayland wanted soup and we ended up with this because once again... he did not read the fine print -__- Regardless, I loved it! It's almost like jook (Chinese rice porridge) except on the soupy side. In hindsight, it was an extremely healthy dish and of the 4/5 more times we revisited, we really should've ordered it again. Another thing, it totally fills you up because the rice is you know, filled with carbs (ALRIGHT!). The dish had large fish roe in it (as you can see). It had shrimp and tofu and other things that I can't remember because it was consumed more than a month ago HAHA.

Takoyaki! So Rayland asked me if I wanted fried octopus balls, and I was like o.O uhh... okay. He could've just said takoyaki... it sounds so much less... gross. Anyway, it's like the best takoyaki I've ever had. Their special sauce really complements the octopus and you can barely taste that weird... I don't know... fishy(?) flavor.

Baked Lobster Roll. I think this is the one roll that we ordered every time. The weird thing for me about this roll is that they're very skimpy on the lobster but it made the roll really good in that way. I LOVE lobster, so it was really weird that I preferred the scarcity of it in the roll (we tried baked lobster roll at another restaurant and it was loaded with lobster and I was not happy at all). Also, I love it when they stick the whole thing in the oven with foil, because the rice at the bottom comes out slightly crispy.

Uni and Toro Nigiri. It was my first time trying Uni raw and I think I preferred it cooked in that medium rare type of way. Nonetheless, it was extremely fresh and very tasty. The toro... I don't think words can describe how delicious that piece of fish was. Foodgasm, that's a good one.

Seared Salmon with Ginger Dressing. DEEELICIOUS. They are really good with their dressings! It was the perfect complement. Also, very fresh fish!

I can't believe I didn't take a picture of the sesame cream puff we ordered! Apparently their cream puffs are a must-try. I found it to be average, though I'm not a large fan of cream puffs.

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Love Always,

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