Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 16 - Old Town Pasadena

Just wandered around and bought tea at this cool tea place called Bird Pick tea&herb. They had some pretty cool things for awesome prices since they had a summer sale going on.

Other than that, I gave Dots a visit like Majee recommended! They're a little on the overly sweet side but adorable nonetheless.


Mini Apple Pie, Mini Strawberry Vanilla, Raspberry Cheesecake, Coconut Lime, Cookies and Cream

So far, Apple Pie is my fave! It's taking me a while to get to the remaining two (Raspberry Cheesecake and Coconut Lime).

Love Always,

Day 15 - Park&Tommy's Burgers

Rayland decided that Sunday was 'rest day' so we took Friday and Lychee to the park, grabbed some Tommy's Burgers, and saw Grown Ups.

Cute huh? :)

Why Tommy's Burgers? I was craving burgers and a while back, when I was a freshmen, one of my floormates said, "You guys don't have a Tommy's Burgers up here (here as in Northern California)?!! It's the best!!" etc. So we passed by one and I thought we'd try it.

WTF you, a**holes. -__- it was gross.

Love Always,

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 14 - Return to Santa Monica

BUT only to shop :)

...and to eat LOL.

The choice of the night was a place called Houston's Restaurants. I did some yelping per Rayland's request and that's how the choice was made.

Started with a baked potato! Very yummy! But too much potato and not enough toppings.

Rayland ordered the ribs because the waitress recommended it. He really likes to ask restaurant workers what they love, recommend, or what their best sellers are. It has yet to fail us :) The ribs were absolutely DEVINE. And if you know me, there are things that I absolutely love and talk about all the time and two of those things are MEAT and RIBS ^-^

My Steak Noodle Salad. It was yums and also recommended by the waitress :)

Happy Beach Shopping Food Eating Fun!

Love Always,

Day 11 to 13 - More Wifely Duties

I just wanted to blog about these couple of days because I wanna show you all the coolest pizza ^-^

Rayland and I had lunch at Waraku again and this time I ordered the Yakisoba pizza. I know, noodles on a pizza? BUT I assure you it was delicious!

I am aware that not everyone knows what yakisoba is... but I'm not a food dictionary and you guys can all google :). I'll define when it's really out of the ordinary.

Love Always,

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 10 - Golf&Ojiya

Rayland overslept and so work was short.

I have the most adorable caddy :)

Dinner was at Ojiya! I love this place :) I had a better experience other times (we visit a lot) but those pictures are on my cellphone :( (still no adapter).

Calamari (I always get too excited and eat before I take photos lol).

Takoyaki! I don't remember ever coming here and not getting this. It's absolutely delicious!

Sukiyaki. I was sad at this dish. Usually I love this! But it just did not tickle my fancy, which made me extra sad because I thought I could add this restaurant to my "Never Disappoints" list.

Alaska Roll. YUMS! By now, I assume you guys all know that I LOVE LOVE LOVE salmon sashimi so really this roll was hard to mess up. It turned out pretty awesome and the fish is fresh as you can (hopefully) see.

Love Always,

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 9 - Santa Monica Beach

It was relaxing and absolutely beautiful! I wanted to stay forever.

Dinner was really random. We pretty much sat on the beach and used Rayland's iPhone to yelp something.

The Verdict: JiRaffe

Our lovely white wine recommended by the server. It was nice and crisp and I loved :). (I don't normally like white wine)

I really wanted some soup because I had a headache, but when the waiter said, "pureed sweet corn soup", I pretty much though, "Wow, gross." So I had him tell me about it and then decided to order it anyway. BEST DECISION EVER.
The crispy spinach (I actually don't remember what the greens were and I just assume spinach) is pretty much prepared the way seaweed is prepared. And I don't mean the seaweed from your sushi. I mean those little sheets of awesome greasy goodness that are found at your Asian stores packaged in cute little boxes with Korean characters everywhere. It made the soup absolutely sensational. Then there were bacon bits (where do you go wrong with bacon?) and crunchy croutons. But really, the star was the soup itself, because pureed corn is actually quite delicious when done oh so perfectly like so.

Rayland's seared ahi tuna. It was served on a bed of Green Tea Soba Noodles, which were very tasty. The best part were those shitake muchrooms on top. Unfortunately, he's allergic to mushrooms so I insisted he not eat them. He did it anyway -__-

My veal! (leave me be you animal rights activists) This is my first time trying veal and it was super tender and delicious. It was their special for the day and was apparently slow cooked for forever. The best part was the horseradish creme fraiche on top. It was really tangy and spicy and made for a good creamy sauce for the meat. There are garlic mashed potatoes on the bottom. These are the first mashed potatoes I've ever had that were so grainy. It gave a weird consistency but was yummy nonetheless.

Dessert was forgone again :(

Love Always,

Day 8 - Seaworld

It was my first time at Seaworld and it was pretty much Six Flags Marine World but with more shows lol. The one thing I REALLY want to rave about is the food! (of course)

We ate at Shipwreck Rapids Cafe right after we went on the ride.

My Roast Beef Sandwich! The meat was OMG :)

Rayland's ribs were amazingly tender for theme park food.

Shamu cup of course ^-^

Potato Salad. It had relish in it and that did not float my boat, but Rayland liked it.

Our side of extra meat for less than $5 and was super worth it!

It's always about the food, you know?

Love Always,

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 3 to 7 - House Wife 101

Rayland wakes up early for work, I wake up later to pick up after the dogs, go get him at work for lunch, do grocery shopping, come home to vermins LMAO.

Lunch was at this cute little japanese pasta place at Pasta de Waraku. Good food for the price they charge :)

My Calpis Float!

It was extremely unique. Calpis isn't usually carbonated so this was slightly on the diluted side, nonetheless very creamy and yummy :)

Noms, I don't know what he ordered lol.

My Prawn Spicy Carbonara

This type of lifestyle must be taking a toll on me, people are using such words when speaking with me: "Ma'm", "You and your husband", "Thank that lady" -___- am I 40 or something??


Love Always,

Day 2 - The Beverly Center

This mall had everything LOL. Anyway... I dropped a load at Club Monaco... it was a mistake going in there but I am very satisfied with my purchase ^-^

Dinner was at Mastro's Steakhouse and it was pretty good!

The bread is not worth mentioning so I will go straight to our appetizer.

Warm Spinach Salad

I love it when restaurants amaze me with their salads! It was only slightly wilted, so super tender but still good body on the veggies. Little bits of bacon and bleu cheese (which I usually HATE) was a good touch. Don't even get me started on the vinaigrette, because I have no idea what's in it but it was the perfect balance of lemony sweet goodness, light olive oil, and salt and pepper.

Rayland's Bone In Filet

This is their best cut of steak apparently. It was quite delicious and cooked very nicely even though Rayland doesn't like red so he always orders it medium well. Even without the red it was super tender! I was happy even though it was his steak :)

My Blackened Mahi Mahi with Scallops

The fish was a bit on the flavorless side, but the scallops were amazing :) and the sauce on the side (butter and parsley I think) complimented the dish very well.

Once again, too full for dessert. Regardless, the dessert menu was less than impressive.

Love Always,

Day 1 - Hollywood

The night I landed, we went to an awesome sushi place for dinner! Pictures to come because I forgot my cellphone memory card adapter :(


I did the typical walk through with the stars on the floor and the prints and what not. No wax museum though... I felt maybe it would not have been worth it so I skipped :).

Geisha House for dinner. I forget why I chose this place... probably saw it on some cool awesome review thingy. Unfortunately, the food was average and the hype is probably caused by nightlife crazies who wanna find a restaurant to pre-party at before hitting the clubs. That's how they were all dressed... unless I walked into a whore house or something.

Was that offensive? LMAO

Anyway... the best part was the sashimi igloo :)

The fish was extremely fresh and this was the first time I liked something else over the salmon! Plus check out the cool ice art lol.

Love Always,

This Is Pre-Socal :)

There is this wonderful sushi boat place on Geary and 21st(?) and they serve a devine potato croquette. A lot of people don't know what this is. It's pretty much chunky mashed potatoes with several kinds of seasoning, covered in panko bread crumbs, and deep fried to golden perfection.

Simple enough right? I like to think of myself as a relatively good cook so I thought... what the heck... how hard could this be right? Apparently... very.

Step 1 - Cutting Potatoes

Step 2 - Boiling Potatoes

Step 3 - Mashing Potatoes

Step 4 - Chopping Onions

Step 5 - Sauteing Onions

Step 6 - Mixing Onions and Potatoes Together

Step 7 - Flour, Egg Wash, and Bread

Step 8 - Total Failure

I'm not cut out for deep frying :(

Love Always,