Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bad Boys ;)

I recently (and by recently I mean the past 2 days) took on The Vampire Diaries. If you don't know, it's about a girl (not vampire) and these two dudes (vampires) and some people (not vampires) who live in her hometown, Mystic Falls, and some other people(vampires) who used to live there. If you do know what I'm talking about and you're not caught up or you have every intention of watching this eventually; I suggest you stop reading because I will spoil.

So it's about Elena, Stefan, and Damon. Even though Stefan was introduced first, and he's this wicked attractive-knight-in-shining-armor type a guy, Damon stepped in and I was lost in lust. He's that badass, mysterious, super sexy vampire that your mother will surely disapprove of (putting aside the fact that he is part of the undead of course).

WHY DO WE LOVE BAD BOYS?? Somehow, the question still stifles me. I mean many have easily explained that due to my insanely sheltered life, it is natural that I would want to rebel and love everything that involves breaking the rules. Because we all want what we don't have right? So while I watched this fictional character fictionally kill off tons of innocent people, I still though, "He'll get better and I would love him even more for it."

Well, why love a bad boy if I'm only gonna love him for being good later? Doesn't that defeat the purpose and isn't it oxymoronic to then safely label him the "good bad boy" o.O?? Confused indeed.

And the worst part?!?! Even after Stefan goes nuts and starts feeding on human blood and turning supposedly "badass", I still love Damon more because I know Stefan will end up being good anyway. But wait! Isn't that what I just said I would love Damon later on for? So... good bad boy = cool :), BUT bad good boy = whatever? -__-

Regardless! How exciting it must be to live on the edge like that :) what a thrill! Unfortunately, I'm too chicken to do anything but play it safe =[.

Drop that badass off in my mail box please.

Love Always,

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