Thursday, April 8, 2010

Through a Dude's Eyes I Suppose

Had a guy moment today when I bumped into someone I haven't seen in a while. Okay, truth be told, I don't even know her but I see her around campus a lot. Since last semester, nothing has changed about her except her long hair that used to fall pass the shoulder blades is now shoulder length. I used to find her insanely cute and today, suddenly she was not so cute anymore.

Haha, what does this have to do with being a dude? A couple of months ago I read an article in Elle explaining some crazy things to me about how men just naturally find women with longer hair more attractive. And knowing the socialite who wrote it, she must tie it back to some ego thing for men (women with short hair = women with men's haircut = more power for the chick, less for the dude). You get it right?

So while I find many girls super chic with their short bobs, I came to realize today that while I see them as fashionistas I have never once thought to myself, "Oh she looks prettier with short hair," and instead felt the opposite.

How sad that I am falling into some sort of stereotype...

Love Always,

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