Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I remember the first time I thought, "Wow boys make friends with each other so easily."

Pretty much what was discussed involved basketball and video games and no other common factor that made sense to us (it was probably me and Deanna rofl).

And then you know, after a lot of tv watching I talk myself into thinking, "Wow, not only do they quickly form their camaraderie, BUT this loyalty and sense of the group as a one is so strong. So powerful. So absolutely unfathomable to me."

This is followed by evidence from the behavior of some dudes around me (we were in high school, what did I know about what was real and what was not?)

What other facts contribute? I use the word "fact" loosely, but let's face it: GIRLS ARE BITCHES TO EACH OTHER. Not only that, but our criteria for friendship is almost as strict as that for the perfect man. So while The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants was telling me that the friendship amongst girls is absolutely stunning and heartwarming, I didn't buy a word -__-.

Forgive me, but I'm not saying I don't value my girlfriends and find our relationships more than just good company. But it is so easy for us to blame one another for mishaps. If your bff was caught with your boyfriend, you blame her right? You justify it by telling yourself, "Well if she were really my friend, she would've never done this to me." In reality, you probably assume it was her fault because guess what? If the tables were turned, you know it would've been your fault.

Even the best of us are tested. Just because you feel something is morally incorrect, doesn't mean that under the circumstances you wouldn't betray your own morals.

Comic Boyz - Heart of Superman
The video started it all, I swear!
The song isn't anything amazing, but I love the story. Call me a typical Asian girl, but I am a sapstory sucker FOR SURE.
Story: Kingone and Eddie are "bros" and they happen to fall for the same girl. In the end, Kingone gives her up for the sake of Eddie. Moral: brotherhood (I choose my bro before I choose her).

Rayland saw me watching this before we got together (back to the days where I thought I would never stop thinking he was anything but mean and gross). He told me I was idiotic and that this brotherhood I believe in is more of a fairytale than Cinderella.

Whatever, I choose to be idiotic then. Bros over hos? I'll take it. Chicks over dicks? Forget it.

Love Always,

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