Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bad Boys ;)

I recently (and by recently I mean the past 2 days) took on The Vampire Diaries. If you don't know, it's about a girl (not vampire) and these two dudes (vampires) and some people (not vampires) who live in her hometown, Mystic Falls, and some other people(vampires) who used to live there. If you do know what I'm talking about and you're not caught up or you have every intention of watching this eventually; I suggest you stop reading because I will spoil.

So it's about Elena, Stefan, and Damon. Even though Stefan was introduced first, and he's this wicked attractive-knight-in-shining-armor type a guy, Damon stepped in and I was lost in lust. He's that badass, mysterious, super sexy vampire that your mother will surely disapprove of (putting aside the fact that he is part of the undead of course).

WHY DO WE LOVE BAD BOYS?? Somehow, the question still stifles me. I mean many have easily explained that due to my insanely sheltered life, it is natural that I would want to rebel and love everything that involves breaking the rules. Because we all want what we don't have right? So while I watched this fictional character fictionally kill off tons of innocent people, I still though, "He'll get better and I would love him even more for it."

Well, why love a bad boy if I'm only gonna love him for being good later? Doesn't that defeat the purpose and isn't it oxymoronic to then safely label him the "good bad boy" o.O?? Confused indeed.

And the worst part?!?! Even after Stefan goes nuts and starts feeding on human blood and turning supposedly "badass", I still love Damon more because I know Stefan will end up being good anyway. But wait! Isn't that what I just said I would love Damon later on for? So... good bad boy = cool :), BUT bad good boy = whatever? -__-

Regardless! How exciting it must be to live on the edge like that :) what a thrill! Unfortunately, I'm too chicken to do anything but play it safe =[.

Drop that badass off in my mail box please.

Love Always,

Sunday, April 18, 2010


It. Was. Awesome.

In case you didn't know, I'm afraid of heights! But I was really excited to do this mostly because the idea of getting up at 4:30am, driving to SF, spending $10 on parking only to wait 4.5 hours for a 30 second ride with some of my favorite people seemed epic to me :).

I felt really bad that the people behind us didn't get to go that day though. They were standing in line for a really long time too :(.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Post College --> Jobless :(

How clever :)


I remember the first time I thought, "Wow boys make friends with each other so easily."

Pretty much what was discussed involved basketball and video games and no other common factor that made sense to us (it was probably me and Deanna rofl).

And then you know, after a lot of tv watching I talk myself into thinking, "Wow, not only do they quickly form their camaraderie, BUT this loyalty and sense of the group as a one is so strong. So powerful. So absolutely unfathomable to me."

This is followed by evidence from the behavior of some dudes around me (we were in high school, what did I know about what was real and what was not?)

What other facts contribute? I use the word "fact" loosely, but let's face it: GIRLS ARE BITCHES TO EACH OTHER. Not only that, but our criteria for friendship is almost as strict as that for the perfect man. So while The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants was telling me that the friendship amongst girls is absolutely stunning and heartwarming, I didn't buy a word -__-.

Forgive me, but I'm not saying I don't value my girlfriends and find our relationships more than just good company. But it is so easy for us to blame one another for mishaps. If your bff was caught with your boyfriend, you blame her right? You justify it by telling yourself, "Well if she were really my friend, she would've never done this to me." In reality, you probably assume it was her fault because guess what? If the tables were turned, you know it would've been your fault.

Even the best of us are tested. Just because you feel something is morally incorrect, doesn't mean that under the circumstances you wouldn't betray your own morals.

Comic Boyz - Heart of Superman
The video started it all, I swear!
The song isn't anything amazing, but I love the story. Call me a typical Asian girl, but I am a sapstory sucker FOR SURE.
Story: Kingone and Eddie are "bros" and they happen to fall for the same girl. In the end, Kingone gives her up for the sake of Eddie. Moral: brotherhood (I choose my bro before I choose her).

Rayland saw me watching this before we got together (back to the days where I thought I would never stop thinking he was anything but mean and gross). He told me I was idiotic and that this brotherhood I believe in is more of a fairytale than Cinderella.

Whatever, I choose to be idiotic then. Bros over hos? I'll take it. Chicks over dicks? Forget it.

Love Always,

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cafe Durant for Skinny Girls

Walking past BoA
Man: (waves Cafe Durant flier in my face)
Me: No thank you
Man: Come on skinny girl I know you can eat!

One out of two isn't bad LMAO.

In other news, my iTouch doesn't let me blog on blogspot :(.

Love Always,

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Through a Dude's Eyes I Suppose

Had a guy moment today when I bumped into someone I haven't seen in a while. Okay, truth be told, I don't even know her but I see her around campus a lot. Since last semester, nothing has changed about her except her long hair that used to fall pass the shoulder blades is now shoulder length. I used to find her insanely cute and today, suddenly she was not so cute anymore.

Haha, what does this have to do with being a dude? A couple of months ago I read an article in Elle explaining some crazy things to me about how men just naturally find women with longer hair more attractive. And knowing the socialite who wrote it, she must tie it back to some ego thing for men (women with short hair = women with men's haircut = more power for the chick, less for the dude). You get it right?

So while I find many girls super chic with their short bobs, I came to realize today that while I see them as fashionistas I have never once thought to myself, "Oh she looks prettier with short hair," and instead felt the opposite.

How sad that I am falling into some sort of stereotype...

Love Always,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Time Flies

I can't remember what's been going on, because Rayland has been here this week. You know, I'm not so sure how well this is working out, and yet... it's pleasant and miserable. It's hard to explain, it really is. I don't mind spending every moment with him, but doing so takes away from how much I value his presence right? No? Not so sure...

Anyway, whenever he arrives for the week, it's like vacation week for the both of us.

Thursday - Cache Creek with Gabby and Richard! Rayland was the only one who won anything. Richard and I are in the red and Gabby is up $0.70 :)

Friday - lunch at Sura! They have some pretty awesome lunch specials, but no one ever wants to go with me :(.

It's like jook! And it was delicious nomnomnom

Then Bounty Hunter at night. Meh, it was an alright movie. Gerard Butler was not as awesome as I thought he was gonna be. Dinner at Zao Noodle (if you haven't tried it, you should!)

Saturday - first lunch at BJ's in Newark, then shopping at Valleyfair. We got bored so went into Build A Bear :). Picked up Linae and we went to Boiling Crab. It was a long drive and used up the entire tank of gas -__-

Avocado Egg Rolls, they were okay. Cheesecake Factory definitely has the best ones.

Sunday - brunch at La Note! It was a bad day to go considering it was Easter Sunday, but that's okay... the wait was only about 45 minutes regardless. We ordered the Easter Brunch which came with:

Grapefruit Champagne with Raspberry Syrup

Roasted Tomatoes, Smoked Salmon Scramble over Toast with Goat Cheese and home fries. Oh man, if I could only explain to you how delectable the goat cheese is with the smoked salmon.
The brunch also came with a lemon cake but we were too stuffed and took it to go. In addition to the brunch we also ordered:

Gingerbread Pancake with Poached Pears, they were okay and Rayland only ordered them because he saw the words "poached pears" -___-

Creme Fraiche Pancake! They were OMG good!! Everyone should try some.

Then went to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid. LOL it was a really good kids movie. We were hoping to see How to Train a Dragon but thought we weren't gonna make it only to discover we could've -__-
Dinner at Hong Kong East Ocean Seafood Restaurant. The scenery is gorgeous there, but the food is pricey for Chinese food I warn you! I don't typically like Chinese food, so this is like one of two Chinese restaurants I actually enjoy.

Monday - boring regular day lol

Tuesday - lunch at Kansai! It was pretty yummy, I recommend the New Port roll! I wish I remembered to take pictures before I dug in :(.
Dinner at Epic Roast House:

The Mulligan - I know it looks like water lol. It's lavender lemonade (tastes a little too earthy for us)

The Flying Dutchman

Complimentary salad from the chef! It's ham pressed in chicken and I forgot what the waiter said was in the dressing but my mouth waters at the memory of the meat.

Sour Dough, Corn, and Cheesepuff (?) - the corn bread was the best! I had to ask for more, especially since it looked like a Madeline. The cheesepuff thing is pretty much a creampuff filled with cheese.

Shrimp Ceviche - DELICIOUS! Pieces of shrimp with cabbage, cilantro, peppers, lime juice, and lots of other things I can't remember. On top of a lovely avocado mousse.

Dungeness Crab and Potato Soup - DROOL, the crab meat was really fresh and nicely prepared!

Lamb Chops! Came with an Apple-Pine Nut Pan Dowdy. To me, the apples and pine nuts together with the carmelized onions were surprisingly a happy marriage :).

Rayland's New York Steak. Dude, those were the yummiest carrots I've ever eaten.
Too full for dessert! I know... it shocked me too...

Walked it off by the bridge :)

Thinking back on it... I wish we ordered dessert, we usually do.

Love Always,