Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is also Lunar New Year, which so far has been okay. Nothing has gone according to plan, but those things just revolve around where we were supposed to eat brunch etc. Other than that, the house is festive and last night there were an insane amount of firecrackers in the neighborhood. This surprised me because I thought there were way less Asians living in this area haha.

Anyway, because it's Lunar New Year, no one acknowledges the fact that its Valentine's Day in the house. Most people who know me will now be thinking "Uh... I didn't think your traditional Chinese parents would acknowledge it in the first place." WRONG. Usually, my parents would make some lame comment like, "Oh, did you get anything from any boy?" etc. Especially to Linae since my mom thinks she'll be alone forever and she seems to think that every person either of us become romantically involved with will leave us for one reason or another. I know, sad.

Sadly, Rayland is gone so even if the New Year's festivities weren't in play, I would have no plans -__-

BUT, I finally gave Hero a wash! Well actually, my brother did. He games all day long and stays cooped up in his bedroom. I therefore decided that it would be great to get him outside (it was a nice day finally!). So even though he declined to come I told him he had to (betcha it was a lot easier than anything you even try to convince your 14 year-old brother to do lol). He did a superb job and it was the most manual labor I have ever seen him do.

Afterwards, Linae and I went to the mall and gave Toasties another visit :). That crab melt is deeeeelicious so everyone should go try it.

The other day I put on my FB that I was blogging and Cherry asked if I had a make-up blog. Sadly, I am not pro enough to do something like that LMAO. Those make-up gurus on youtube really know what they're talking about (check out fafinettex3 or the lovely michelle phan). BUT, I did do loads of shopping with Caronita on Friday and made a NARS purchase at Nordstrom. She was looking for concealer and I was telling her that I love my NARS duo in Custard/Ginger (if you're wondering why you need 2 shades like she was, it's for when you get tanner or when you lose the tan etc.. ALSO, not everyone is lucky enough to have even tones all over). Anywho, one of the make-up artists asked if I wanted a touch-up and I said YES of course :). After he was done with the concealing and the powder and what not, he took out the blush. If you know me, you'd know that I'd be like.... O.O............. uhhhh.... NO. Because I have a natural blush and I get red SUPER easily. After telling him about the insane reddness, he went ahead and put on blush anyway and I'm like WTF.

BUT, lucky me :) he knew what he was doing and VOILA, no appleface. Basically, he says to choose a blush that's less on the red/pink side (he used NARS blush in Zen). Then he applied a shimmer layer. THIS, I absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED. It's NARS blush in Luster and you only need very little of it. I put it on today over my powder and without any other blush and am very satisfied.

Then I made my little spiel about how much more I like the male make-up artists than the female ones haha. They just wanna make you pretty and NOT turn your face into a canvas when you don't want it to be. But if you like that, by all means choose the female make-up artist haha.

To summarize my extremely long post...
1) NARS Blush in Zen = NOT red face
2) NARS Blush in Luster = pretty subtle shimmers
3) Male make-up artists > female make-up artists
4) Try Toasties' Crab Melt!

Love Always,

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