Saturday, September 11, 2010

On Being in Love

*From our trip to Napa :)

At home (in thrilling San Francisco), there is a list I have taped to the side of my computer table. It's my "Things to Do Before I Marry" list, and riding a hot air balloon is right up there with the rest of them :). Of course, I wrote this list BEFORE I knew how costly this feat is LOL.

The story goes a little like this...

Two February's ago, while Rayland is frantically trying to court me (frantically might be exaggerated, but only a tad I assure you) and my birthday approached, he asked me if I could do anything right then what would it be, and I would have to tell him the first thing that popped into my mind. So I thought about my list and told him about the hot air balloons, seeing as at the moment I felt it was totally impossible and then he would have to ask me to come up with an alternative. Well, he went and said, "Whaatt... I can't give you that." And I responded with an, "Oh well!" LOL. On Valentine's Day, he told me to meet him because he had a present for me. I thought he was lying and nuts (for so many reasons), ignored him and went home (to SF). Weeks later I'll find out that he had booked the hot air balloon ride for us :). Yes, seemingly cruel then, but we laugh about it now I promise!

Anyway, that never went through. So, since we were heading to Napa, at the last minute he sprung it on me :).

And I stood there and watched as the balloons waited for us to board, I secretly pinched myself as he leans over and whispers, "Happy Valentine's Day". Sure, it was ridiculously cheesy and while it could make many girls either melt or gag, it forced me to feel nothing but content, assurance, and absolutely loved.

At age 21, I sound absolutely foolish to say the least, but what can I say... I have the blatantly obvious glow of a girl in love, and everyone (and I mean everyone) sees it. But, I've come to embrace that the glow is alright too, I suppose.

Linae has this glorious quote about how a dude only steps into your life when you really don't need him, expect him (something like that). And then who knew, the sudden rush of adrenaline and every other word is spoken with carelessness and caution. I wanna share my happiness with everyone, and yet I feel as if I've been granted access to a secret society. A place where suddenly mushrooms weren't delicious anymore because he is allergic to them, where Axe deodorant is not repulsive because he uses it, where baseball stats were no longer boring, and where even his fobby style isn't nearly as annoying as I thought it would be. And then it's like a Claritin commercial where everything is just suddenly clear. Crystal.

And if I could explain to you what it feels like to love and be loved and then love even more because you know that you are loved, and have you absolutely understand with clarity exactly what I mean, then I am lying or you, my dear, have no idea what it is like.

Anyway, the hot air balloon ride was amazing for the first 20 minutes and then worse and worse after that. But it was unforgettable nonetheless and it feels like one of many dreams has come true.

Love Always,

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