Friday, August 27, 2010

100% Cafe, Strait's, Charcoal BBQ, Burger, and the SF Food Festival

The title pretty much sums up my one week summer vacation lol.

Theresa's mango thang thang. I forgot what it was. But it was cute!

Jess' some other mango thang thang.

Tried to convince Linae she was killing baby frogs. Clearly, they're long gone.

My black&white. I thought, "Mmm... sesame paste and tofu-fa, how yummy." I was wrong. -__-

For those of you who don't know, 100% Healthy Desserts Cafe is a desserts restaurant that claims to be deliciously healthy. My sister and her friends seem to think so, but I do not feel the same way. Of the many Asian dessert places in San Francisco, this one is by far my least favorite :(. Like my old roommate Julie used to say, "If it's delicious, it's probably bad for you."

Jae and I had lunch at Straits in Santana Row and then did some shopping at Valleyfair (Santa Clara area).

My delicious steak(?). VERY nicely cooked! And there was arugula! It's my new favorite leafy green :).

Jae's salmon. The pineapple salsa is to die for!

Brown rice

My new fave, a nice crisp glass of Riesling. The waitress also loves this wine! That's always a plus and we had the same Tiffany's ring haha.

Later on in the week: Korean charcoal BBQ with Lancy, Lily, Edward, and their cousin. Cool grill huh? It was probably the best part.

This is my favorite part of Korean BBQ, the sesame dressed salad!

Banchan (not as wonderful as my beloved Sura of course)

The food was only decent. It's nothing too special, the best part is the cool grill but it gets pretty hot. I can't remember exactly where this place is. But it's near My Tofu House (much pricier, but way better in comparison) on Geary.

Linae, Jess,and I decided that we were tired of the wretched SF weather and made a trip to Santa Cruz. Running around with an empty stomach, Linae recommended Burger (this is her hood you know?)

This is Linae's "burger" squashed between TWO grilled cheese sandwiches! I swear I saw Guy talking about this somewhere on the Food Network. He also mentioned this burger squashed between two glazed doughnuts, which was also available at this joint. I REALLY wanted to try it but was forbidden from doing so :(.

Jess' burger. I can't remember what was in it.

My LAMBURGERS! I opted for these babies instead, since Jess said I shouldn't get that crazy doughnut burger lol. They were delish! I tasted no lamb though -___-

The week concluded with the SF Food Festival with D, Lancy, Kristina, Lily, and Miray.

Korean "Tacos". Although extremely simple, and a super tiny portion, these were my favorite at the feast. Salsa, beef, and rice nestled on two pieces of seaweed. Adorable, no?

Lumpia! They were pretty decent, but tiny and I'm sure I've had better.

These are the chicken wings Kristina demanded. They were not so great to me since I am strongly opposed to cilantro.

Takoyaki! These were special because instead of the ground-up squid balls they usually are, they were stuffed with squid chunks instead! Absolutely YUMS.

This soba came from a different Japanese food stand. I was really excited to try it when I saw other food-goers wandering around with them, only to be disappointed by the flavors :(.

Finally! I got to try the creme brulee from the creme brulee cart! I don't care what the rest of them (and by rest of them I mean LILY) say, this was divine! Extremely rich and extremely sugary though. Only a true sugar lover can learn to appreciate it I suppose.

This is a tuna onigiri, but they call it an "onigilly"! That's how you pronounce it anyway so I guess it's okay haha. It was yummier than I thought! I wish we tried the eggplant one too though.

This is some cool gelatin thing that Deanna bought.

THIS. This sandwich was the talk of the day! Too bad you can't see how amazingly delicious this evil little sandwich is! You stand in the eternally long line and watch as they slow roast the delectable pork. Then you get up there, they slice the little crunchy devils onto whatever yummy bread that is (adding more crunch!) and throw on some greens that have a similar flavor to arugula. To top it off, they offer you a side of their scrumptiously curried fingerling potatoes. Sigh, I wish this was at reach right now.

This is supposedly a bacon wrapped hotdog. I did not find the bacon... sad. I think this was the least favorite for everyone. The sausage was just extremely salty and there was absolutely NOTHING special about it.

This corn on the other hand... OMG Deanna and I hunted high and low for these babies. It was well worth it :). The cob is smothered in a lime-chilli powder concoction and I supposed butter as well.

Sigh... school has begun and I'm merely getting fat just blogging about the food.

Love Always,

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Plants VS. Zombies

Do you guys even know about this?!

According to my tomodachi ('friend' in Japanese), David, "That was sooo last summer, Sarah!"

Why am I telling you guys about something completely out of the ordinary and unrelated to my blog (not that it has a theme of some sort, or something like that)? I've been reflecting on the hours invested in the game and have come to the conclusion that it is my outlet.

For those of you who randomly come across my blog (my Brazilian and Australian visitors!), I must seem like one of the most ultra-feminine girls out there. Sad to say, I'm only that on the surface. Beneath is an obese soul waiting to tell you dirty jokes that are so vulgar I only share with my few wonderful friends, who I am 150% sure won't judge me and tell me how "unladylike" I am being.

So while the rest of you fantasize that I am using my spare time to caress my sweet puppy or experiment with various types of cosmetics and skin care products, know this: I am cautiously arranging my little green minions in order to defend my front door (and in further levels my back door as well) from zombies whose heads I wish would fall off before they reach my last line of defense, an adorable little land bomb meticulously arranged before my photosynthesizing sunflowers.


Love Always,

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Farmer's Market @ Jack London Square

If there's one thing I got out of that godforsaken NutriSci10 class, it's that Farmer's Markets on this side of the bay are pretty awesome.

I went today hoping that since Farmer's Markets = outdoors, it also = pup friendly zone. I was wrong :(

After about 2 minutes into the market, I saw the Farmer's Markets Group booth with their No Animals and No Smoking signs :(

And so, for the first time ever, I tied poor Friday up to a lamp post and abandoned him for about 5 minutes before I returned to check on him for 30 seconds and then proceeded to abandon him for another 5 minutes. Lol

But it was totally worth the $7 for these

Aren't they beautiful? The label said $4 for a bunch, but the woman said it was cool if I bought 2 bunches for $7. So I did! I know most of you think that it's such a waste of money for something that doesn't live very long, but I love that they give my apartment some color :)

I also got 1lb of small red grapes for $1. They're supposed to be $1.50/lb, but I handed the man $2 and I guess he didn't want to look for quarters so he said that just a dollar was fine.

Fresh produce and nice people... I can get used to this Local Foods Movement thing.

Love Always,

Friday, August 6, 2010

Lady Gaga in the Work Place

Staff S: (rushes over to cubicle) So the students tell me that right now (noon), they're playing Lady Gaga on the Campanille (bell tower at UC Berkeley)
Me: Really?!
Staff S: That's what the students are saying. (exits)
Staff Z: I don't like Lady Gaga.
Me: Oh, I love her! I think she's a whack job, but that's what I love about her.
Staff M: (chuckles)
Staff Z: You know, just a year ago she was just a waitress.
Me: Really? I thought she was a stripper.
Staff M: No, she's a stripper now.

Lol, I love the supervisors :)

Love Always,

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cold Weather, Thank God for Pretty Skies

A view from outside Cheit at Haas :).

Find the seat in which you can enjoy this exact view is probably (95%) where you'll find me every Tuesday-Thursday from 12noon-1pm.

That is of course, before the Europeans arrive to light up their cigarettes.

Love Always,

Monday, August 2, 2010

Millbrae Pancake House

Parental units went to dimsum at Tai Wu bright and early Sunday morning and the sibs didn't want to wake up so I took them to Millbrae Pancake House later in the day :).

Here's my oh so scrumptious veggie omlette with hash browns.

Swedish pancakes! OMG I've loved these since the first time I've tried them (this is my 3rd visit).

Like the apple juice? Well, to be honest, there's nothing special about the food here. It really is just great food done right with splendid road-side-truck-stop-good service lol.... that's a good thing in case I wasn't clear.

I'm sucha great sister.

Love Always,